Eastsider News – A Source of Community News 

The primary intent and purpose of Eastsider News is toprovide a free independent local media platform that focuses on showcasing substantial news about, and affecting, the diversity of local people and their activities’.  It is community-based and not-for-profit, rather than commercial. 

For the first years of our existence, we have done this by publishing a digital newspaper every two months.  We have received many compliments about the high production values and attractive appearance of this format.

We have found, however that this standard is very difficult to maintain with both limited financial and people power. We now want to try a different way to do this. 

In future, we will post the contributions that we receive from our friends and supporters along with articles written by members of our team of volunteers as a newsletter.   We hope this will make us more sustainable and able to publish more frequently. We will send our subscribers a regular email that tells you what we have published lately and contains links to the latest edition.


Ways to read Eastsider News

You can open the document here or you can download the pdf to your device to read in later at your leisure.

When you open the pdf document, you will find a Table of Contents which lists all the articles therein.  You can click on a specific title and go there or you can simply scroll through all the stories.

As we are a small team of volunteers, we rely heavily on our readers to send us interesting and newsworthy material.  We also want to showcase the skills and talents of the people in our region be it poetry, photography, illustration, or story telling.

We encourage you to get busy and write about the things that you want to tell others about and send it to us at eastsidernews1@gmail.com.  Go here to check out our guidelines.