Eastsider News guidelines for writing articles

All contributions should be emailed to eastsidernews1@gmail.com. We will always acknowledge receipt.

Guidelines for writing for Eastsider News:

  • Length and quality: ranging from 400-600 words, occasionally longer, but always well written, and concise.  Letters to the Editors may be shortened if they are longer than 250 words.
  • Relevance: local public interest, but sometimes with a broader context.
  • Style: personal, but varied – story, humour, technical, creative, cartoons, etc.
  • Evidence-based: transparency about whether it is factual or opinion.
  • Language: can be expressive, but respectful and non-defamatory, with a focus on information, ideas, or issues.
  • When submitting written content, please format your documents as a word document:
    • All Word files typed in a plain font (Arial–or similar 10 – 12 point is fine) with single spaces between sentences and single returns between paragraphs.
    • No ‘soft’ returns or non-breaking spaces
    • Title capitals only where necessary. No headings or subheadings in all capital letters.
  • Photos and graphics: to be submitted by email to eastsidernews1@gmail.com.
    • We prefer photos and graphics to be stand-alone 300dpi resolution jpegs at least 250Kb and preferably larger at around 400Kb or more.
    • Do not include your images in your word document but send them as a separate jpeg file.
    • Always include a credit for the creator of the image and permission to use the image
  • Author’s information: name and suburb for publication, an email address for follow-up but not publication. An author’s headshot and short bio is optional
  • The Editors will usually accept material as written, but may make minor changes to improve clarity, readability, or focus.  If we have concerns regarding plagiarism, defamatory content or claims that are not or cannot be substantiated we will go back to the contributor and request changes.

As a community newspaper that relies on contributions from local residents and others with links to the local area, the types of articles we hope to receive include:

  • General interest: local environment, planning and development, social issues, health, etc
  • Local activity centres and organisations: community centres, schools, churches, social groups, sports clubs, business, service clubs, universities, etc
  • Socio-demographic groups: eg ethnic, age, ability, household types, etc
  • Council business: Boroondara and Whitehorse ward reports, consultations, etc
  • Personalities: interviews with interesting ‘ordinary’ people, and related events
  • Culture, hobbies: art, music, recipes, eating out – and more.

Please ensure that all images and written content that you send to Eastsider News is fully and accurately credited to the original creator or author.  

Editorial Values

It is very important to us that Eastsider News respects copyright and we do our utmost to ensure that all creators of images and articles are appropriately and accurately acknowledged and credited. It is essential to us also that we do not defame or malign any individual or organisation.

All content is discussed and assessed by an editorial committee before publication.  If we have concerns about the source of material or the accuracy of claims made in articles, we will go back to the submitter to seek changes. We refuse to publish articles that can be seen as maligning, discrediting or defaming a person or an organisation or which make false claims or assertions that cannot be supported by verifiable evidence.

Please go here to read a statement of our Editorial Values.  We request that all contributors ensure their material complies with the values expressed there.