Walking Box Hill
Box Hill Historical Society
Think you know Box Hill? Here’s a way to increase your knowledge. Thanks to a grant from the SRLA’s Community Projects Fund, the Box Hill Historical Society has devised three walking tour apps. which can be enjoyed, either from the comfort of your lounge room, or by venturing along the routes detailed. Don’t forget to look at the many images available on the app during the walks.
The three walking tours focus on the social and cultural life of the area from its beginnings. To access the app, click here.
The first walk, Early Box Hill, commences at Pioneer Park, on the corner of Station and Harrow Sts and will take an hour to complete (2kms on sealed paths). The second walk, Civic Box Hill starts and ends at the Box Hill Town Hall in Whitehorse Road. It will take 1 hour (2.34 km on sealed footpath). The third walk, Commercial Box Hill commences and concludes at Pioneer Park on the corner of Station and Harrow Streets. All three walk apps have commentary and images that describe the many aspects of the walk.
Top image by Anna Palinska from Pixabay